Getting started with xygine - Part 6

Pop & Sparkle - That Magic Touch

In the final part of the tutorial let's look at xygine's Director class, and see how it can be used to add some of the finer details to the game with the AudioEmitter and ParticleEmitter components.

The Director

The Director class in xygine differs slightly from the other ECS based classes, in that while it is a member of the Scene, it doesn't interact directly with it. The Director class instead monitors the Scene via the event queue and MessageBus, and dispatches commands or creates new entities based on what it has observed - hence the title Director.
The class itself is actually an abstract one - to use it we'll need to create our own class which inherits it. In this case we will use the Director to observe Blocks being destroyed by using the Director's message handler, and dispatch entities with an AudioEmitter and ParticleEmitter components attached to create a special effect. This class we'll call the FXDirector.

Set up

Before diving into creating the new class I'll briefly cover two new components we'll be using.

First is the AudioEmitter. AudioEmitter components require an audio resource to play, similarly to Text needing a font or Sprite requiring a Texture. AudioEmitters can play two different types of resources, however. Short sounds can be buffered in memory or stored in an sf::SoundBuffer. sf::SoundBuffers will happily be managed by the xy::ResourceHandler so that they can be shared between multiple AudioEmitter components. Before an AudioEmitter can play a sound it needs to have the source of the audio set with AudioEmitter::setSource(). This takes a reference to an sf::SoundBuffer, but it can also be passed a string. This string should contain a path to a resource on disk, in which case the the AudioEmitter will attempt to stream the sound directly from the file. This is useful for larger audio files such as music, and supports compressed formats like .ogg. When using an AudioEmitter it's worth considering what kind of audio it will be playing before you decide what to pass to setSource().

To use the AudioEmitter in a Scene we'll need to add a xy::AudioSystem. The AudioSystem takes care of positional audio for any mono sounds, as well as making sure that the volume levels are correctly updated by the mixer displayed in the Audio tab, when opening the console with F1. It only ever needs to be added to a single active Scene as it will, by its nature, affect all audio output. In this case we'll add it to m_gameScene.

The ParticleEmitter component, as its name suggests, emits particles. The configuration of the emitter can be controlled via the xy::EmitterSettings struct which has properties for forces, velocities, textures... all of which control the appearance and behaviour of the particles emitted. A complete run down of these settings is beyond the scope of the tutorial, but they are described in detail in the xygine documentation. In the xygine repository there is a project named SimpleParticleEditor which can be used to adjust the settings of a particle emitter using a UI and provides real time feedback, useful for designing new effects. It also allows saving the settings to a .xyp file, which is not disimilar to the SpriteSheet .spt format. Using this tool I have created a particle settings file for this tutorial, which can be loaded with xy::EmitterSettings::loadFromFile() at runtime.

The ParticleSystem class is used to render the ParticleEmitter component. Particles are unique as renderables in that they do not require a Drawable component, and are therefore not drawn by the RenderSystem. This is due to the fact that they use a special GPU assisted render path. When adding the ParticleSystem to m_gameScene it needs to be added after the xy::RenderSystem, so that particles are drawn on top of everything else. While this does provide the benefit of GPU accelerated particles, it has the drawback of not being depth sorted with other Drawable entities, unfortunately.

Creating the FXDirector

So now we're familiar with the components we want to use and the AudioSystem and ParticleSystem have been added to the Scene, we can start crafting our FXDirector. The idea is this: listen for BlockEvent messages in the message handler, then when we see a Block being destroyed dispatch an entity with an AudioEmitter and ParticleEmitter attached to it to play their effects at the position held in the the BlockEvent message.

Create a new header file in the include directory and call it FXDirector.hpp. Update the CMake file if necessary. Include

so our class can inherit the Director interface. The declaration of FXDirector looks like this:

class FXDirector final : public xy::Director
    explicit FXDirector(xy::ResourceHandler&);

    void handleEvent(const sf::Event&) override {}
    void handleMessage(const xy::Message&) override;
    void process(float) override;

    xy::ResourceHandler& m_resources;
    xy::EmitterSettings m_particleSettings;

    std::vector<xy::Entity> m_entities;
    std::size_t m_nextFreeEntity;

    xy::Entity getNextFreeEntity();
    void resizeEntities(std::size_t);
    void doEffect(sf::Vector2f);
The class is going to be constructed with a reference to a ResourceHandler, which we'll pass in from the GameState. This is because we'll load our resources for the sound and particles in the FXDirector constructor.

The three public functions implement the Director interface. We're not using the event handler, so this has a default empty body.
Rather than create a new entity every time the FXDirector dispatches one we'll take a pooling approach, so we have a std::vector<xy::Entity> to act as our pool and some book keeping functions to track free entities.

Add a new file to your project called FXDirector.cpp and update the CMake file. At the top include FXDirector.hpp plus any other headers required.

#include "MessageIDs.hpp"

#include <xyginext/resources/ResourceHandler.hpp>
#include <xyginext/ecs/components/Transform.hpp>
#include <xyginext/ecs/components/AudioEmitter.hpp>
#include <xyginext/ecs/Scene.hpp>
We'll need to be able to identify incoming messages, as well as set up the relevant components and entities.
In the constructor let's load the required resources.

FXDirector::FXDirector(xy::ResourceHandler& rh)
    : m_resources    (rh),
    m_nextFreeEntity (0)
    m_particleSettings.loadFromFile("assets/particles/impact.xyp", rh);

    AudioBufferHandle = rh.load<sf::SoundBuffer>("assets/sound/boop.wav");
The particle settings struct can load the settings file directly from disk. It also takes a reference to the ResourceHandler, as it will be needed to load any textures required by the particle system. AudioBufferHandle is used to store the handle we get from the ResourceHandler and is placed in an anonymous namespace at the top of the .cpp file. We'll be using it to assign the sf::SoundBuffer to the AudioEmitter components.

void FXDirector::handleMessage(const xy::Message& msg)
    if ( == MessageID::BlockMessage)
        const auto& data = msg.getData<BlockEvent>();
        if (data.action == BlockEvent::Destroyed)
The message handler picks up any incoming BlockEvent messages, and when a Block is destroyed uses doEffect() to dispatch an entity to the correct position. As an exercise I encourage you to expand on this later with messages raised by the ball bouncing off the walls to play a different sound.

void FXDirector::process(float)
    //check all entities and free any which have finished playing all the effects
    for (auto i = 0u; i < m_nextFreeEntity; ++i)
        if (m_entities[i].getComponent<xy::AudioEmitter>().getStatus() == xy::AudioEmitter::Stopped
            && m_entities[i].getComponent<xy::ParticleEmitter>().stopped())
            //swaps the expired entity with the last active entity
            //and decrements i so we're up to date in the loop
            auto entity = m_entities[i];
            m_entities[i] = m_entities[m_nextFreeEntity];
            m_entities[m_nextFreeEntity] = entity;
The process() function loops over the entity pool and checks the status of any playing effects. If an effect has completely stopped the inactive entity is re-pooled and the active count updated.

xy::Entity FXDirector::getNextFreeEntity()
    if (m_nextFreeEntity == m_entities.size())
        resizeEntities(m_entities.size() + MinEntities);
    return m_entities[m_nextFreeEntity++];

void FXDirector::resizeEntities(std::size_t size)
    auto currSize = m_entities.size();

    for (auto i = currSize; i < size; ++i)
        m_entities[i] = getScene().createEntity();
        m_entities[i].addComponent<xy::ParticleEmitter>().settings = m_particleSettings;
These two functions are used for book keeping of the entity pool. The first finds the next available entity and returns it. If the pool currently has no free entities then the function below is called to resize the pool. This is where entities are actually created, adding the Transform, AudioEmitter and ParticleEmitter components. Note that here the audio source is applied to the AudioEmitter and the particle settings are applied to the ParticleEmitter.

void FXDirector::doEffect(sf::Vector2f position)
    auto entity = getNextFreeEntity();
Finally doEffect() requests the next free entity from the pool, applies the position and starts the effects.

To use the FXDirector in the Scene it needs to be added similarly to a System class. In GameState::createScene() underneath where the last System is added to m_gameScene add

Don't forget that m_resources needs to be passed to the function so that it is correctly forwarded to the FXDirector constructor.

That's it! Build and run the game, and when a Block is destroyed you should now see a small shower of sparks and hear a sound play!

Taking it further

While this is the end of the tutorial, it is by no means the end of what can be achieved with xygine. The documentation covers many more features that are available, a few of which are:
  • AudioScapes. Analogous to SpriteSheets these are text based configuration files used to define AudioEmitter settings outside of xygine. For an example of how these are used see the Demo application in the xygine repository.
  • Post Process effects. Shaders haven't been covered at all in this tutorial but they are available in xygine. If they are compatible with SFML then they can be applied any xy::Drawable component, and Scene-wide via the PostProcess class. xygine contains a few built in PostProcess effects that can be added to the Scene via Scene::addPostProcess<T>(), and of course you can implement your own.
  • Animated Sprites. xy::Sprite fully supports multiframe animation via the SpriteAnimator system, in combination with the SpriteAnimation component and metadata provided by the SpriteSheet format.
  • Networking. xygine has complete network support via the Enet game networking library. The Demo application in the xygine repository implements a 2 player online network mode by way of example.
  • Utility functions for vector maths, strings and random numbers. The xy::Utility namespace contains various functions for operating on 2D vectors such as normalise and dot product, as well as string functions for UTF encoding and random number generators which can be seeded with custom values.
  • Optional extras. The extras directory in the xygine repository contains useful other classes such as a PhysicsSystem to bind chipmunk2D to xygine for physics simulation. It also has networking utilities and prototype drawing functions for simple lines and shapes.
Thank you for making it to the end of this tutorial! I hope xygine is useful to anyone wanting to make games with C++ and SFML (and I'd love to see anything you make with it!). If you have any comments or feedback about this tutorial, or anything else about xygine, please feel free to post on the github repository page.


  1. Great introduction to xygine! It's always helpful to have resources like Email Tool Tester to compare and find the best tools for email campaigns.


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