Getting started with xygine - Part 5


In part four of the tutorial I left the task of creating block entities as an exercise for the reader, so I'll not be covering the code here. If you haven't added the blocks yet the source code for this part of the tutorial includes the block code in GameState::createBlocks(). From here I'm going to assume the block code is functioning as we concentrate on tidying up the assets with a SpriteSheet and implementing a game UI overlay.

Sprite Sheets

In part three we refactored asset management so that we are now using an instance of xy::ResourceHandler to book keep the textures in use. However, rather than loading multiple textures it is possible, using xy::SpriteSheet, to merge the textures into a single file, a texture atlas, and load a text-based configuration file describing the Sprites contained within. The assets directory for this part of the tutorial now contains a single image, composed of the Paddle and Ball textures and also a texture for the blocks. In the assets/spritesheets directory there is also a text file named sprites.spt. The .spt extension is used to denote sprite sheets used with xygine, although the format of the text file is the same xy::ConfigFile format used by all xygine description files, such as particle systems. More about the xy::ConfigFile format can be found in the documentation, but for now know that the .spt file contains information about the image source, sprite names from which the image is composed, sub-regions describing the area of the atlas used by a specific sprite, as well as having the option to describe animation data used by animated sprites. This system allows easy editing of sprite data externally from xygine, without having to recompile the game each time an animation is changed or sprite atlas modified.

To use the SpriteSheet in the game first rename the TextureID namespace to SpriteID in Resources.hpp. We're going to use the same technique as managing each texture, but instead apply it to the sprites. Add a new member to the enum for the Block sprite, and modify the handles array so that it is an array of xy::Sprite rather than std::size_t.

In GameState::loadAssets() where we previously loaded the textures, modify the code to use an instance of xy::SpriteSheet. You'll have to include the header

The SpriteSheet class can be used to load multiple .spt files from disk as we'll be copying the sprite data out of it and letting it drop out of scope when we're done.

xy::SpriteSheet spriteSheet;
spriteSheet.loadFromFile("assets/sprites/sprites.spt", m_resources);
Note that a reference to the resource manager is passed to the function, so that any loaded textures are still kept by the ResourceHandler as usual.

When the sprite sheet is loaded (xy::SpriteSheet::loadFromFile() returns true on success) we can grab the loaded sprite data and store it in the SpriteID array

SpriteID::sprites[SpriteID::Ball] = spriteSheet.getSprite("Ball");
SpriteID::sprites[SpriteID::Paddle] = spriteSheet.getSprite("Paddle");
SpriteID::sprites[SpriteID::Block] = spriteSheet.getSprite("Block");
That's pretty much it. Whenever you need to create a new entity with a sprite component preloaded sprites can easily be fetched from the array. For example the Paddle and Ball entities will now need to be modified:

paddle.ball.addComponent<xy::Sprite>() = SpriteID::sprites[SpriteID::Ball];
For more information on the SpriteSheet class and how to handle animated sprites, see the xygine documentation, or review the source of the demo game included in the xygine repository.

Adding A UI

By now the game should be somewhat playable, with the Ball respawning when it goes off screen, and breakable Blocks to aim at. To flesh out the gameplay ideally we want to track some stats such as the score and the player's lives, and display them on the screen. In a small project such as this it would be perfectly acceptable to render a UI using entities added to the game scene, but for demonstration purposes we'll create a second Scene in the GameState called m_uiScene. In a larger project, particularly one with a moving camera, it is often easier to manage items which remain constant in position with their own Scene. For example following a player around the world shouldn't modify the appearance of an inventory or health bars, which should remain static relative to the camera.

Adding another Scene is as simple as adding a new xy::Scene member to GameState, right below m_gameScene. Then the new Scene (m_uiScene) needs to forward events, forward messages, receive updates and be drawn, in exactly the same way as the game scene. It will also need to be properly constructed in the the initialiser list of GameState, and the current view applied to its active camera.

At the bottom of createScene() the new UI scene needs to have the necessary systems added to it. Right now those are xy::TextSystem, xy::RenderSystem and xy::CommandSystem. The command system will be used when the text in the UI needs to be updated. To do this also update the CommandID namespace with two new enum members and give them the correct values

namespace CommandID
        Paddle = 0x1,
        Score = 0x2,
        Lives = 0x4
Remember that these values need to double each time as CommandID's allow OR'ing together target IDs.

Then create two new entities below where we added the systems to the UI scene, remembering to use the Entity factory function from m_uiScene!

entity = m_uiScene.createEntity();
entity.addComponent<xy::Transform>().setPosition(20.f, 20.f);
entity.getComponent<xy::Text>().setString("Score: 0");
entity.addComponent<xy::CommandTarget>().ID = CommandID::Score;

entity = m_uiScene.createEntity();
entity.addComponent<xy::Transform>().setPosition(20.f, 60.f);
entity.getComponent<xy::Text>().setString("Lives: 3");
entity.addComponent<xy::CommandTarget>().ID = CommandID::Lives;
Notice that the resource manager now also handles the font we want to use. Refer back to MyFirstState to see how fonts are loaded if you modified it to use a ResourceHandler in part three. It is also the same technique used when loading textures and storing their resource handles, only within a FontID namespace instead of a TextureID.

Build and run the game to make sure everything is configured correctly, and that the Score and Lives text appears in the top left corner of the screen. If not, check that the UI scene is correctly added to handleEvent(), handleMessage(), update() and draw().

Updating the UI

In part four we covered using the MessageBus to raise messages if the Ball went out of play, and using the message handler to spawn a new Ball when it did. Hopefully, when creating the Block entities, you employed this technique to raise a BlockEvent message when a Block is destroyed. If not, reviewing the source in the repository if necessary, add that now. We want to be able to receive a message each time a new Block is created, and each time one is destroyed.

With the messages in place add two new members to GameState

std::size_t m_score;
std::size_t m_lives;
Initialise these to 0 and 3 respectively. Now in handleMessage() these can be updated appropriately: if we get a message saying the Ball despawned, reduce the player's lives by one. Only respawn the Ball if the lives are not at 0. If we get a message saying a Block was broken increase the score. For the example I've incremented the score by 100 each time, but feel free to experiment with the scoring system. For instance the amount of points awarded could increase with each block broken before the Ball hits the Paddle again.

Updating the score display from within the message handler is simple, using the CommandSystem we added to m_uiScene.

xy::Command cmd;
cmd.targetFlags = CommandID::Score;
cmd.action = [&](xy::Entity e, float)
    e.getComponent<xy::Text>().setString("Score: " + std::to_string(m_score));
Use the same technique to update the Lives display. Remember to send the command via m_uiSystem, not m_gameSystem!


From here develop your own game rules. Track the lives value and when it reaches zero, display a game over message. Track the count of active blocks and when it reaches zero spawn a new set. Try creating blocks in a different pattern.

For an even more fully fleshed out experience refer to part two of the tutorial where we created a new State, and use it to create a PauseState. Add a menu to the PauseState, using part one of the tutorial as a guide, so that the player can quit or restart the game. Remember you only have to push the PauseState on to the StateStack to pause the game and pop it again to resume play.

Maybe even try spawning special entities when random Blocks break, and award bonuses if the player catches them with the Paddle.

If you made it this far, thank you for staying with me! In the last part we'll cover the Director class and use it to create special effects with sounds and particles.


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