Getting started with xygine - Part 3


In the last two parts (here and here) we've covered creating a new project, learned how to create entities which display text and sprites, and started making a breakout style game. If you run the project you should see a menu, be able to click play, and then be presented with a paddle on the screen which is controllable with a mouse. If not then you should review the first two parts of the tutorial before carrying on.
In this part we'll look at how resource management works in xygine, before learning how to create custom components and systems to add a ball. The source code for the tutorial is available here.


In the last part, to get the paddle rendering on the screen, we added an sf::Texture member to the GameState, m_paddleTexture which is used to draw the paddle. As we'll be progressively be adding more textures from now on, it's time to do a small amount of refactoring. xygine has a ResourceHandler class which provides an interface for loading multiple types of SFML resources such as fonts, textures, images and even sound buffers. Shaders are, however, a special case and won't be covered in this tutorial. The ResourceHandler is designed to ensure that only a single instance of any resource exists at one time and provides fast lookup of loaded resources via an integer ID. It also provides a fallback mechanism allowing you to handle any errors which may occur should loading a resource fail. For now we'll be using it to load all of the textures required for the game.

When a resource is loaded the ResourceHandler returns a unique ID for that resource, which can be used to quickly retrieve it when it is needed at run time. A little book keeping is needed then, to store these IDs.

Create a new file in the include directory named ResourceIDs.hpp. Make sure to add it to the CMakeLists.txt file if you're using the CMake build system. Inside the new file add a namespace named TextureID and an anonymous enum like so:

namespace TextureID

    static std::array<std::size_t, TextureID::Count> handles = {};
Note the std::array named handles. This will hold the IDs returned from the resource manager, and will be indexed by the enum values above it. From now on whenever we add a new texture to the game we'll create a new member in the enum.

With this created open GameState.hpp and include the header for the ResourceHandler

and remove the include directive for sf::Texture. Below that remove the member m_paddleTexture and replace it with

xy::ResourceHandler m_resources;
Underneath createScene() add a new function, loadResources(). In GameState.cpp go to the definition of createScene() and find the line where the paddle texture is loaded. Remove it and replace it with a call to loadResources().

Create a definition for loadResources() below. Here we'll load all of our textures and any other resources up front, and store the ID assigned to them by the resource manager. Right now we're only using the paddle texture so add the line

TextureID::handles[TextureID::Paddle] = m_resources.load<sf::Texture>("assets/images/paddle.png");

The ResourceHandler::load() function is templated and can be used to load different kinds of resources. When loading fonts or images the same pattern of namespacing and handle array can be used.
Back in createScene(), above, modify the line where the Sprite component is added to the paddle entity so that it uses the new resource manager.


Build and run the project to check that every thing is OK, you should see the same paddle sprite as it was before. If you're feeling bold refactor MyFirstState in the same way, replacing m_font with a ResourceHandler, and use it curate the font used in the menu.


The essence of an ECS is to 'break apart' deeply inherited classes, isolating the data of an object into smaller groups such as transform data (position, rotation etc) and render data (texture IDs, render states) and storing it in sets of structs, away from the logic part of the entity. These structs become our components, providing the ability to select which sets of data are associated with an entity, while the logic used for processing is placed within a system. Systems have a filter applied to them which states the component requirements an entity must have for the system to be interested in it. An entity may have more components than a system requires - but not less.

xygine already provides the Transform and Sprite components needed to make a ball appear on screen, but a Ball needs other data such as velocity and state (is the ball active? is it waiting to be launched?) which we can encapsulate in a custom struct. To make the ball move as we expect it also requires some logic to act upon the data stored in the Ball struct, which can be implemented in a BallSystem. It may seem like a lot of code for a single ball, but when you consider what it takes to add 1 extra ball, or 100 extra balls, suddenly the ability to scale with no extra code becomes apparent. Creating any new entity behaviour in xygine more or less follows this procedure.

Implementing the ball

Add a new file to the include directory and call it BallSystem.hpp. Update the CMakeLists.txt file too if you're using it. We'll add both the component and the system declarations to the header file as the component declaration is trivial.

struct Ball final
    enum class State
        Waiting, Active
    }state = State::Waiting;

    sf::Vector2f velocity = {0.f, -1.f};
    static constexpr float Speed = 800.f;
This is the Ball component. It contains an enum class declaring its state - when a ball is sat on the paddle waiting to be launched it'll be in the Waiting state. Once launched it'll be Active. The velocity is a normalised vector indicating the ball's current direction. It's initialised so that when it launches it'll move straight up. Lastly the constexpr value Speed is used to define the base speed of all balls. It makes more semantic sense to list it here than anywhere else.

After the component add the declaration of the BallSystem. It needs to publicly inherit the xygine System base class, and implement some of its interface. At the very least we need to fill out the process() function, although there are other virtual functions in System which may be useful. For a full breakdown of these see the xygine documentation or wiki. The System base class also needs to be constructed with a reference to the active MessageBus, so the BallSystem will need to take that as a parameter to the constructor.

class BallSystem final : public xy::System
    explicit BallSystem(xy::MessageBus&);

    void process(float) override;


With these declared, create BallSystem.cpp in the src directory and update the CMakeLists.txt file. In BallSystem.cpp include the BallSystem header, as well as the xygine headers for the Transform component and Scene class. These classes will both be referenced by the system's process function.

The constructor of the BallSystem requires a couple of special things. First the initialiser list needs to correctly initialise the base class by forwarding the reference to the MessageBus passed in through the constructor, as well as providing the typeid of the BallSystem. This is used internally by xygine when the Scene processes all of its systems. The body of the constructor is also used to set up the 'filter' by which the system decides which entities it should operate on. In this case we want to make sure that an entity has a Ball component and a Transform component. This is because the system will be modifying the position of the ball.

BallSystem::BallSystem(xy::MessageBus& mb)
    : xy::System(mb, typeid(BallSystem))
Next the process() function needs to be defined. This function is called once per frame by the Scene on every active system. The current frame time, or delta time, is passed in as a float. We'll be using this when moving the ball to make sure it moves the correct amount each frame.

void BallSystem::process(float dt)
    auto& entities = getEntities();
    for(auto entity : entities)
        auto& ball = entity.getComponent<Ball>();
            case Ball::State::Waiting:             
            case Ball::State::Active:
                auto& tx = entity.getComponent<xy::Transform>();
                tx.move(ball.velocity * Ball::Speed * dt);

                sf::FloatRect bounds(sf::Vector2f(), xy::DefaultSceneSize);
The function getEntities() returns a vector of entities which are active in the current system. By taking this and iterating over it, we can update each entity one at a time. For each entity then, we find its Ball component and check its state. If it is currently Waiting... do nothing. The Ball is on the Paddle. If the Ball is Active, on the other hand, then move it by its velocity multiplied by the Ball::Speed constant multiplied by the frame time.

After the ball is moved there is a simple check which takes the Scene size and looks to see if the Ball is still within the Scene area. If it is not the ball entity is destroyed.

A side note: it is possible for a System to be made Drawable by inheriting sf::Drawable. The Scene will attempt to draw all Systems in the order in which they are added to the Scene.

Before we can start testing though the BallSystem has to be added to the Scene. Open the GameState.cpp file, include BallSystem.hpp and add an instance of the system to the Scene in createScene(), on the line before adding the SpriteSystem.

Unlike the paddle the Ball isn't created once in createScene(). When the game runs we'll want to request multiple balls, so add a new function called spawnBall() to GameState. Call this immediately after creating the Paddle entity.

When the ball is spawned into the game it needs to be placed on the the paddle and follow the paddle around until it is launched. To do this we can create a Paddle component which references the active Ball entity. In BallSystem.hpp add a new struct

struct Paddle final
    xy::Entity ball;
and add an instance of it as a component to the paddle entity in createScene()

As the Entity class is a handle for entities within the Scene it is also nullable and, in fact, is null by default. It has a function isValid() which returns true if the entity contains a valid handle. Using this we can tell whether or not the Paddle has a Ball entity waiting to be launched, and reset it as necessary with the spawnBall() function.

void GameState::spawnBall()
    xy::Command cmd;
    cmd.targetFlags = CommandID::Paddle;
    cmd.action = [&](xy::Entity entity, float)
        auto& paddle = entity.getComponent<Paddle>();
        paddle.ball = m_gameScene.createEntity();

        auto ballBounds = paddle.ball.getComponent<xy::Sprite>().getTextureBounds();
        auto paddleBounds = entity.getComponent<xy::Sprite>().getTextureBounds();
        paddle.ball.getComponent<xy::Transform>().setOrigin(ballBounds.width / 2.f, ballBounds.height / 2.f);
        paddle.ball.getComponent<xy::Transform>().setPosition(paddleBounds.width / 2.f, -ballBounds.height / 2.f);

The function works by sending a command to the Paddle entity. We set up the CommandSystem in the previous tutorial to receive player input from the mouse. We can also use this system to tell the Paddle we want a new Ball, and to immediately attach that Ball to the Paddle. The Transform component has the option to add 'child' transforms, which in this case will be the Transform of the Ball. While the Ball transform is parented to the Paddle transform it will follow the Paddle on screen, which is what we want while the Ball is waiting to be launched.

To test this we can modify handleEvent() in GameState so that when the left mouse button is pressed it checks the Paddle to see if the Ball property is valid. If not it spawns a new Ball, else if it is valid then set the state of the Ball to Active, and unparent it from the Paddle. Add this under where we check the MouseMove event.

else if(evt.type == sf::Event::MouseButtonReleased)
    if(evt.mouseButton.button == sf::Mouse::Left)
        //send a command to the paddle to launch the ball if it has one
        //else spawn a new ball
        xy::Command cmd;
        cmd.targetFlags = CommandID::Paddle;
        cmd.action = [&](xy::Entity entity, float)
            auto& paddle = entity.getComponent<Paddle>();
                paddle.ball.getComponent<Ball>().state = Ball::State::Active;
                auto ballBounds = paddle.ball.getComponent<xy::Sprite>().getTextureBounds();
                paddle.ball.getComponent<xy::Transform>().setPosition(entity.getComponent<xy::Transform>().getPosition() + sf::Vector2f(0.f, -ballBounds.height / 2.f));
                paddle.ball = {};
Again we're using the CommandSystem to address the Paddle directly. Note also that when unparenting a Ball from the Paddle that the ball's position needs to be updated. While parented a Transform's coordinates are relative to the parent (in this case the Paddle), so when unparenting the Ball its position needs to be set in world space coordinates. Finally, when unparenting the Ball, the Paddle's ball property is reset with the default constructor, effectively nullifying it.

If you build and run the project now you should find that first clicking the left mouse button places a Ball on the paddle, and a second click fires the Ball in a straight line across the screen.
Now that we have the Ball and Paddle in place we need some basic collision detection and physics, which will be the topic of the next tutorial.


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